Kabar baik dari Apple Inc. yang mengadakan Swift Student Challenge – Global Competition tahunan dalam rangka menyambut World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2023 tanggal 5-9 Juni 2023.
Global Competition: WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge merupakan sebuah kompetisi untuk membuat aplikasi pada Swift Playgrounds (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/swift-student-challenge) yang diikuti peserta dari berbagai negara di seluruh penjuru dunia. Kompetisi ini merupakan kompetisi yang sangat bergengsi karena diselenggarakan oleh Apple sendiri dimana pemenang mendapatkan WWDC23 outerwear yang eksklusif, AirPods Pro, sebuah pin set kustom, dan membership the Apple Developer Program selama 1 tahun.
Setelah melakukan submission, sebanyak 5 mahasiswa Informatika UC yang berhasil menjadi winners pada kompetisi internasional ini.
- Marshall Ovierdo Kurniawan (IMT 2019)
- Bryan (IMT 2020)
- Justin Yap (IMT 2020)
- Haning Galih Rani Kumbara (IMT 2020)
- Bryan Anthony (IMT 2021)
Marhsal merupakan alumni Apple Developer Academy @ UC, mahasiswa semester akhir yang sedang menuntaskan tugas akhirnya. Bryan, Justin Jap, dan Haning Galih merupakan peserta Apple Developer Academy @ UC co-hort 2023 yang sedang berjalan. Sedangkan Bryan Anthony merupakan mahasiswa semester 4 yang menempuh kelas Mobile Application Development (SWIFT/iOS) dan setelah belajar di MK ini dalam waktu kurang dari 8 minggu mengirimkan submission dari apa yang dipelajari di kelas dan berhasil menjadi winner.
Selamat buat prestasinya, semoga masih banyak prestasi lain yang akan menyusul.

Swift Student Challenge
We’re excited to continue our long-standing support of students around the world who love to code. Show us your passion for coding by submitting an incredible app playground on the topic of your choice. Winners will receive exclusive WWDC23 outerwear, AirPods Pro, a customized pin set, and one year of membership in the Apple Developer Program. In addition, we’ll hold a separate random selection process just for winners who opt in for the opportunity to attend the special event at Apple Park.
Build your app playground, answer a few written prompts, provide documentation, and submit.
To be eligible for the Challenge, you must:
- Be 13 years of age or older in the United States, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union);
- Be registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of the Apple Developer Program;
- Fulfill one of the following requirements:
- Be enrolled in an accredited academic institution or official homeschool equivalent;
- Be enrolled in a STEM organization’s educational curriculum;
- Be enrolled in an Apple Developer Academy; or
- Have graduated from high school or equivalent within the past 6 months and be awaiting acceptance or have received acceptance to an accredited academic institution;
- And not be employed full time as a developer.
Please note: The Challenge is designed for student developers who are cultivating their software development skills. You can receive a Swift Student Challenge award or a WWDC Scholarship up to four times.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc23/swift-student-challenge/